Did you know that Sicamous is part of the Communities in Bloom Program? Our moto is "Live More." We take a unique approach to our gardens, merging landscapes…

Did you know that Sicamous has EIGHT boat launches and docks?
Did you know that Sicamous has EIGHT total boat launches and docks?
Enjoy readily available boat launches on Shuswap Lake!
The majority of the boat launches are free and available form May to September depending on water levels. Remember, Shuswap Lake levels rise and fall up to six metres per year!
Regular protocols are in place at boat launches and docks. We share the lake respectfully and obey boating convention; it's all of ours, and together we make it better!
There are plenty of spots for you to put in your non-motorized modes of transportation; canoes, paddleboards, kayaks and, yes, UNICORN FLOATIES!
Finlayson Street Boat Launch & Docks
110 Finlayson Street
Kappel Street Boat Launch
West end of Kappel Street
Legacy Pier
326 Mara Lake Lane
Main Street Landing Dock
West end of Main Street
Martin Street Boat Launch
West end of Martin Street
Old Town Bay
200 Old Town Road (west)
Mervyn Road Boat Launch
North end of Mervyn Road
Weddup Street Boat Launch
West end of Weddup Street
See a map of Public Boat Launches & Docks
Sicamous Lake Map